Tag: Coal Ministry

Coal Ministry launches India’s first ever pilot project for underground coal gasification

Coal Ministry launches India’s first ever pilot project...

Coal India subsidiary Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL) has embarked on an innovative...

Coal Ministry seeks infra status for coal mines to ensure more bank funding

Coal Ministry seeks infra status for coal mines to ensure...

The Coal Ministry said on Saturday that it has requested the Department of Financial...

Coal PSUs aim to generate 5,200 mw solar energy to seek net zero carbon status in 3 years

Coal PSUs aim to generate 5,200 mw solar energy to seek...

Aiming to grossly minimise the carbon footprint of state-owned coal mining companies,...

Coal Ministry to enhance first mile connectivity projects

Coal Ministry to enhance first mile connectivity projects

The Coal Ministry will take up an additional 19 first mile connectivity (FMC) projects...