Tag: create awareness
Inaugural Function of SAKSHAM 2025 Held
Activities Under SAKSHAM Will Create Awareness About the Need to Save Oil
KMV organises various competitions to create awareness...
Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) P.G Department of Psychology organised poster-making...
“World Ozone Day” organised to create awareness among masses...
Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar the premier institute of Northern India has been...
ADC directs health department to create awareness about...
The Additional Deputy Commissioner (G), Major Amit Sareen on Wednesday directed...
Vigilance Awareness Week to create awareness among all...
Panjab university in collaboration with NSS and Legal Aid Society, UILS along with...
Lyallpur Khalsa College organised “World Ozone Day” to...
Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar the premier institute of Northern India has been...
Pureathon-2022, a 2K, 5K fun run and walk to be held in...
Menstruation Matters, says Shyla Talluri, Founder and CEO of PURE, the organiser
Neuberg Diagnostics organizes bicycle rally to create awareness...
As part of the bicycle rally, 50 cyclists from Connaught Place under World Heart...
National Road Safety Month 2021 seeks innovative ways to...
Indian Road Safety Campaign appoints Rajeev Kapur, Managing Director, Steelbird...