Tag: evaluation
PU to conduct online exams from 17 Sept
The evaluation will be completed within 5 days of termination of exams and results...
Evaluation/promotion process to start soon at PU
COE has invited valuable suggestions from Principals of affiliated Colleges
700 participated from 35 universities from India in one-week...
The theme was “Technology and Instructional Reforms with reference to Online Teaching,...
Dayananda Sagar University designs face shields for medical...
Based on the design, several units have been 3-D printed by the DSU team and released...
दोआबा कालेज में एमर्जिंग पैराडाइमस ईन टीचिंग, लर्निंग और...
पहले दिन पंजाब, मध्यप्रदेश व जम्मू से तकरीबन 37 प्राध्यापकों ने अपने रिसर्च पेपर...