Tag: Mental Health

Workshop on Mental Health and Stress Management 

Workshop on Mental Health and Stress Management 

The Department cum Centre for Women's Studies & Development organised a Workshop...

KMV organises various competitions to create awareness about Mental Health

KMV organises various competitions to create awareness...

Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) P.G Department of Psychology organised poster-making...

GHSC-10 Organises Interactive Session on Mental Health

GHSC-10 Organises Interactive Session on Mental Health

During the final day of the three day workshop on mental health awareness, Department...

‘Tele MANAS’ handled over 14.7 lakh calls since its launch to provide mental health support

‘Tele MANAS’ handled over 14.7 lakh calls since its launch...

The ‘Tele MANAS’ toll-free helpline has reached a significant milestone by effectively...

40 pc of Indian men don’t talk about their mental health openly: Experts

40 pc of Indian men don’t talk about their mental health...

While society has started openly discussing issues such as anxiety, depression,...

Special program to raise awareness about mental health and drug addiction 

Special program to raise awareness about mental health...

Central University of Punjab organizes a special program to raise awareness about...

Unleashing the Power of Women to Prioritize their Mental Health

Unleashing the Power of Women to Prioritize their Mental...

Someone rightly said, “A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman’s body”. So,...

Delhi HC recalls order allowing widow to terminate pregnancy over 'mental health' concerns

Delhi HC recalls order allowing widow to terminate pregnancy...

The Delhi High Court on Tuesday recalled its earlier order permitting a widow to...

Reconsider order allowing widow to terminate pregnancy over 'mental health' concerns, Delhi HC urged

Reconsider order allowing widow to terminate pregnancy...

The Centre has approached the Delhi High Court seeking a reconsideration of its...