Tag: MP Arora in Rajya Sabha

Cybersecurity Incidents on rise: 1592917 Cases in 2023 vs. 1391457 in 2022, Minister reveals to MP Arora in Rajya Sabha

Cybersecurity Incidents on rise: 1592917 Cases in 2023...

The Government is committed to ensure that the Internet in India is Open, Safe,...

Punjab Cooperative Banks have least NPAs at less than 1% -Only 2 states better, Minister Responds to MP Arora in Rajya Sabha

Punjab Cooperative Banks have least NPAs at less than 1%...

Punjab ranks 3rd in the country in terms of fewer NPAs in Cooperative Banks as of...

Ayushman Scheme to be fully effective needs changes: MP Arora in RS

Ayushman Scheme to be fully effective needs changes: MP...

MP (Rajya Sabha) Sanjeev Arora has spoken on the demand to make Ayushman Scheme...