Tag: Musician
Aditi Saigal: I'm the kind of artiste who often ignores...
Indie musician and actress Aditi Saigal also known as Dot, is the most engaged Gen...
EDM Musician 32Stitches aka Arpit Gawri launches new song...
The new release, “Top of the World”, launched on 9th July
संगीत प्रेमी प्रसिद्द गीतकार रवि चेरी की धुन पर हुए मंत्रमुग्ध
विवेकनन्दा वर्ल्ड स्कूल फ़िरोज़पुर में हुआ समारोह
Extension lecture organised by department of music at RGC
Lecture delivered by well-known musician Subhash Ghosh