Tag: online

Now, people can get their documents verified from patwaris online

Now, people can get their documents verified from patwaris...

In a significant move aimed to make Government-to-Citizen (G2C) services hassle-free...

A collaborative Online Value-Added Course 

A collaborative Online Value-Added Course 

A collaborative Online Value-Added Course was organized by Department of Botany...

Those `online’, don’t sleep

Those `online’, don’t sleep

Before the introduction of the internet, life was very simple and people had plenty...

Harassment by online loan app drives another man to suicide in Hyd

Harassment by online loan app drives another man to suicide...

Harassment by operators of an online loan app drove a youth to suicide in Hyderabad.

Indian online higher education market to reach $5 bn by 2025

Indian online higher education market to reach $5 bn by...

Driven by the pandemic, the online higher education and life-long learning market...

राजकमल ऑनलाइन पुस्तक मेले  में दिख रहा पाठकों का जबरदस्त उत्साह

राजकमल ऑनलाइन पुस्तक मेले  में दिख रहा पाठकों का जबरदस्त...

कम से कम पैसों में अधिक से अधिक स्तरीय पुस्तकें मुहैया करा रहे हैं: आमोद महेश्वरी,...

An Online National conference on COVID-19 associated Mucormycosis

An Online National conference on COVID-19 associated Mucormycosis

The webinar was  coordinated by Mr. Khem Raj Thakur, Assistant Professor, Department...