Tag: PU Vice Chancellor

PU Vice Chancellor Releases Department of Education Newsletter: ‘Education Express’

PU Vice Chancellor Releases Department of Education Newsletter:...

Panjab University Vice Chancellor Prof. Renu Vig, today unveiled Education Express,...

Prof Renu Vig, Vice Chancellor interacted with delegates from UNESCO MGIEP Ammaarah Martinus and Dr Richa Bansal

Prof Renu Vig, Vice Chancellor interacted with delegates...

Prof Renu Vig, Vice Chancellor interacted with the delegates from UNESCO MGIEP Ammaarah...

PU Vice-Chancellor and NSS Coordinator interacted with NSS Contingent

PU Vice-Chancellor and NSS Coordinator interacted with...

Prof. Renu Vig, Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Y.P. Verma, Registrar & NSS Coordinator,...

Vice Chancellor conducts visit to School of Communication Studies

Vice Chancellor conducts visit to School of Communication...

Prof. Raj Kumar, VC, Panjab University visits the Community Radio Station and the...

All powers of Syndicate delegated to PU Vice Chancellor by Senate in its today’s meeting

All powers of Syndicate delegated to PU Vice Chancellor...

The senate meeting held online today was attended by around sixty members