Tag: Sukhna Lake

100 take part in ‘walkathon’ on World Heart Day at Sukhna Lake

100 take part in ‘walkathon’ on World Heart Day at Sukhna...

As many as 100 people including doctors and para-medical staff of Ivy Hospital,...

Walk for Gender Equality organized at Sukhna Lake

Walk for Gender Equality organized at Sukhna Lake

Carrying placards and charts declaring the necessity of a gender equal world for...

Sahayta Charitable Welfare Society organizes ‘Breast Cancer Walkathon’ at Sukhna Lake

Sahayta Charitable Welfare Society organizes ‘Breast Cancer...

Over 350 women and men take part in walkathon

World Heart Day: 150 take part in ‘walkathon' at Sukhna Lake

World Heart Day: 150 take part in ‘walkathon' at Sukhna...

​​​​​​​As many as 150 employees including cardiologists , cardiac surgeons, doctors...

Kidney Health: Hundreds take part in `Cyclothon’ at Sukhna Lake

Kidney Health: Hundreds take part in `Cyclothon’ at Sukhna...

Punjabi singer and actor Parmish Verma on Sunday flagged-off a 'Cyclothon' at Sukhna...

भाजपा महिला मोर्चा तालिबानियों की महिलाओं के प्रति क्रूरता के खिलाफ सुखना लेक पर किया प्रदर्शन

भाजपा महिला मोर्चा तालिबानियों की महिलाओं के प्रति क्रूरता...

दुनियाभर की महिलाओं से इस जुल्म के खिलाफ आवाज उठा अपनी अपनी  सरकारो को महिलाओं व...

Home Science students participate in migratory birds watching and swatchta abhiyan at Sukhna Lake

Home Science students participate in migratory birds watching...

Refreshments were also served to all participants 

Morning Walker’s Association to celebrate its 25th anniversary at Sukhna Lake

Morning Walker’s Association to celebrate its 25th anniversary...

This association is one of the largest associations of its kind in the tri-city