Tag: VC Dr Susheel Mittal
To connect children to the young generation with science...
I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University Sri Amritsar Sahib Campus successfully organized...
Be a participant of India against corruption, it is everyone's...
It is the primary duty of all to become a partner for the elimination of corruption...
Technical Education Institutions are playing pivotal role...
IKGPTU Amritsar Campus organized seminar on "Future Career Prospects in Technical...
Teachers can bring a big change not only in the students...
IKG PTU organized one day seminar on drug de-addiction awareness in association...
Engineers are the tools or medium of success & Engineering...
IKG PTU organized special events on Engineer's Day, VC lit the lamp and opened the...
University Education journey is different from school learning...
IKGPTU “Student Induction Program” inaugurated at main campus, Vice Chancellor Dr....