Tag: war veterans

Ex-servicemen rally in Nagaland felicitates 33 war veterans

Ex-servicemen rally in Nagaland felicitates 33 war veterans

Ex-servicemen rally for veterans of the Armed Forces and Assam Rifles from Nagaland...

War Veterans unveil Col Ranbir Singh’s Book ‘War In The East, Liberation of Bangladesh, 1971’

War Veterans unveil Col Ranbir Singh’s Book ‘War In The...

The book highlights & is a testament to the valour of Indian soldiers and leadership...

Vardhman honours the 1971 war veterans 

Vardhman honours the 1971 war veterans 

The Group has been honouring Ex-servicemen, war widows and families of martyrs consecutively...

Vajra Air Defence Brigade organises veer nari meet 

Vajra Air Defence Brigade organises veer nari meet 

To felicitate veer naris and widows of veterans of Ludhiana district