Tag: Writing

लेखन मनुष्य के मन और हृदय में उमड़ रहे भावों को अभिव्यक्ति देता हैः डा. शरणजीत कौर

लेखन मनुष्य के मन और हृदय में उमड़ रहे भावों को अभिव्यक्ति...

लेखक कृष्ण लाल की पुस्तक- लव एंड पीस का लोकार्पण।

पुस्तकों का लेखन, प्रकाशन तथा पुस्तक चर्चा बेहतर समाज का रास्ता प्रशस्त करेगाः प्रो. राजबीर सिंह

पुस्तकों का लेखन, प्रकाशन तथा पुस्तक चर्चा बेहतर समाज का...

डॉ. आनंद शर्मा द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक -मीडिया मैन कमलेश्वर का लोकार्पण हुआ।

Writing must never be extraneously motivated: Booker shortlisted author Geetanjali Shree

Writing must never be extraneously motivated: Booker shortlisted...

When you ask, if 'Tomb of Sand' ('Ret Samadhi'), being shortlisted for the International...

Google Docs to offer more assistive writing suggestions

Google Docs to offer more assistive writing suggestions

In a bid to improve the quality of writing and fix straightforward grammar and spelling...

Principal Secretary to CM Punjab Hussan Lal inaugurated Research Grant Proposal Writing Workshop at LPU Campus

Principal Secretary to CM Punjab Hussan Lal inaugurated...

• The occasion was inaugural session of the workshop where participants are top...

KMV organises news writing and article writing competition to celebrate National Press Day

KMV organises news writing and article writing competition...

Students wrote news stories pertaining to current issues

7-year-old prodigy Abhijita Gupta becomes  world’s youngest author and Grand Master in writing

7-year-old prodigy Abhijita Gupta becomes  world’s youngest...

Her book titled ‘Happiness All Around’ is an anthology of short stories and poems